ephemerae- a print journal for haikai, tanka and more
Welcome to ephemerae- a new print journal for all things haikai, tanka and anything related to these genres. ephemerae is an independent Quarterly journal from the U.K. edited by Shrikaanth Krishnamurthy. ephemerae accepts haiku, tanka, haibun, tanka prose, cherita, renku, rengay, collaborative or individual sequences, tan renga, rattan renga, essays, reviews... If you have something else that you believe is haikai, send it. Submissions for the inaugural issue are currently open until 31 March. Please send up to 8 unpublished pieces to Shrikaanth at Haikaieditor@gmail.com Submissions are free and open to anyone anywhere in the world. As a print only journal, ephemeral can be subscribed to or bought by the individual issue. Any queries may also be sent to the same email. The cover dates for ephemerae are April, July, October and January, with the issue posted early the following month. Submissions periods are a month long and will be March, June, September, and December